Become a KIK Volunteer – it’s fun!

Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering is more of a two way street than you might imagine.  Clearly, volunteering with KIK helps the children and wider community of Kailahun, but it is also beneficial for you, the volunteer.

Making monetary donations is highly appreciated – and is vital for KIK – but actively engaging with our work connects you with like-minded people, and can improve your skills and self-confidence.  Above all, volunteering can give you a great sense of purpose.

Most volunteers say that they get more out of the activity than they put in.


Volunteering Opportunities with KIK

  • Help with fundraising by organising an event at work or among your friends – see here for ideas.
  • Assist with KIK’s administration, particularly by keeping in touch with our many sponsors. This can easily be done from your own home.
  • Give talks about KIK to local clubs or businesses. This is a very good way of finding new donors and sponsors.
  • Join a team visiting Kailahun for the full KIK experience!  Read all about it here.

Please contact us for more information on volunteering, or to suggest other ways to help.