Beneficiaries going on to higher education

Beneficiaries going on to higher education

KIK’s motto ‘Learn to Serve’ has been amply demonstrated in recent times by the successes of Sam Banya and Winston Baimba Sellu, so it is good to report that more beneficiaries are being awarded KIK scholarships for higher level studies. Amara Momah...
KIK Trustees in Sierra Leone

KIK Trustees in Sierra Leone

It has always been KIK’s vision to devolve local management issues to trusted partners in Sierra Leone, with these partners ideally including some ex-beneficiaries of the programme.  We can now announce that this vision has been realised by the formation of a...
KIK Academy Progress

KIK Academy Progress

We are very pleased to report that the KIK Academy goes from strength to strength, with 156 pupils now on roll.  During her visit in January, Lorraine met with Kailahun’s Director of Education, Mr Conteh, who thanked the staff for all their hard work.  He took...